Everything in the mouth. That’s the life of infants and toddlers.
Our homes are relatively clean, and a little piece of lint in the mouth isn’t going to harm. But other things will, and so we put them behind childproofed cabinets. And as a parent you worry about toys.
Why? Because we do not know, in many instances from where they come, what they are really made of, and what chemical processes were used to make them. It is important to choose toys for infants and toddlers that are made with all natural materials and that are manufactured and colored with safe, not-toxic paints.
Here are three toy manufacturers that will never let you down, and just a few of the toys you can choose with complete peace of mind.
Lanco – Teething, Sensory, and Bath Time
Bo, the Frog
Who can resist this cuteness? Here is a soft teether with a bumpy texture on one end to help soothe irritated gums. He squeaks too! Bo’s rubber comes from the Hevea tree, is completely chemical-free and hand-made, and is painted with colors made from safe and approved food dyes. Safe, colorful, and sure to attract the senses of your little one.
Check out the full detailshere.
Maggy the Snake
Here’s a snake no one needs to be afraid of. And just look at the many different textures for little hands and fingers to explore. Maggy can be squeezed (squeaker inside), stretched, chewed, twisted and more, and she will never complain. This is a great toy for “fidgeters,” infant or adult actually, and it can help calm and soothe. A wonder toy for little ones with autism or other sensory impairments. Natural rubber and food-dye paints.
Get toknow more about Maggy!
Ollie the Octopus
Head-bobbing, leg-swimming Ollie is easy to grab, and he squirts! The little nubby spots of different colors will catch the eye and provide extra sensory stimulation. Water left in Ollie can easily be squeezed out when bath or swim time is over and, as is Lanco’s firm policy – only natural rubber and only food dye-based paints.
More details about Olliehere!
Green Rubber Toys – Animals Past and Present
For your little dinosaur lover, here is a perfect group of some of the most authentic-looking creatures to have roamed our planet. These all-natural rubber, chemical-free creatures are flexible, chewable (when little sister or brother gets a hold of them), and will not lose shape or color (painted with food color dyes). A great addition to the dinosaur books your toddler loves.
Check out thefull dinosaur collection!

Who doesn’t love a giraffe, particularly when his long neck can bend down and greet you? This lifelike gentle “pet” is long-lasting, made of all natural durable rubber from the sap of the Hevea tree in Sri Lanka. The trees are not harmed – Green Rubber Toys would have it no other way.
And we have more lovelyjungle animals in our zoo!
Zippy the Zebra

Okay. So Zippy is not lifelike, but who could resist him? He’s stretchable, chewable, and his little crop of hair between his ears will never chew or pull off. And he’ll go anywhere with you – to bed, to the bath, and outside – no holes for any water or dirt to get inside. Black and white colors are particularly stimulating to infants, so this one certainly “fits the bill.”
And we’ve got morejungle chum buddies here!
Crayon Rocks – Honoring Little Hands
Small hands have trouble holding traditional pencil-like crayons, so Color Rocks has found the solution - these wonderful all natural crayons made from soy wax and colored with natural mineral pigments. Children from age 3 up will delight in them (and adults have been known to color along). Shapes are perfect for helping the grasp of thumb, second and third fingers which will eventually hold pencils.
Check outall the crayon options we have!
We all want safe and durable toys. We also want our environment protected. The toys featured here, and, indeed, any of the toys from these three manufacturers, will never cause harm to a little one or the environment. And they are biodegradable when their use is outgrown.
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